Nonprofit management education: A literature collection

I was on a project reviewing the literature on nonprofit management education. The outcome of this project is an unpublished English manual and an article in a peer-reviewed Chinese journal (The China Nonprofit Review). The following items are the references in the literature pool. This should be helpful if you are developing a course (or a series of courses) of nonprofit management.

Update 12/2018: Another paper which reviews the scholarship on nonprofit studies in the last century was recently published and selected as the “Editor’s Choice Free Article”: A Century of Nonprofit Studies: Scaling the Knowledge of the Field (Ma, J. & Konrath, S. Voluntas (2018) 29: 1139.

Melville-Holder, J., Stewart, A. J., Kuenzi, K., Walk, M., Russell, D., & McGovern, S. (2024). A worthy investment? Investigating alumni perceptions of nonprofit degrees. Teaching Public Administration, 01447394241241434. Cite Download
McDougle, L. M., & Li, H. (2022). Service-Learning in Higher Education and Prosocial Identity Formation. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 08997640221108140. Cite Download
Mirabella, R., Hvenmark, J., & Larsson, O. S. (2022). Editors’ Notes. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 12(3), vii+. Gale Academic OneFile. Cite
Weber, P. C., & Long, R. F. (2021). Responding to Change in Higher Education: The Case of the Nonprofit Leadership Studies Program at Murray State University and Program Identity. Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 11(1). Cite
Minkowitz, H., Twumasi, A., Berrett, J. L., Chen, X., & Stewart, A. J. (2020). Checking in on the State of Nonprofit Scholarship: A Review of Recent Research. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 6(2), 182–208. Cite Download
Benjamin, L. M. (2020). Bringing Beneficiaries More Centrally Into Nonprofit Management Education and Research. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 0899764020918662. Cite Download
Bexboruah, K. C., & Carpenter, H. L. (2020). Teaching Nonprofit Management. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cite
Weber, P. C., & Brunt, C. (2019). Continuing to build knowledge: Undergraduate nonprofit programs in institutions of higher learning. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 0(0), 1–22. Cite Download
Zuo, Z., Qian, H., & Zhao, K. (2019). Understanding the Field of Public Affairs through the Lens of Ranked Ph.D. Programs in the United States. Policy Studies Journal, 47(S1), S159–S180. Cite Download
Mirabella, R., Hoffman, T., Teo, T. K., & McDonald, M. (2019). The Evolution of Nonprofit Management and Philanthropic Studies in the United States: Are We Now a Disciplinary Field? The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 9(1). Cite Download
Marberg, A., Korzilius, H., & Kranenburg, H. van. (2019). What is in a theme? Professionalization in nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations research. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 0(0). Cite Download
Farwell, M. M., Gaughan, M., & Handy, F. (2019). How did we get here? The career paths of higher education fundraisers. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, n/a(n/a). Cite Download
Tavanti, M., & Wilp, E. A. (2018). Anti-Corruption in Nonprofit Management Education: Promoting Ethical Capacity through Case Study Analyses. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch & W. Amann (Eds.), Anti-Corruption in Management Research and Business School Classrooms. Information Age Publishing. Cite Download
Blalock, A. E. (2018). Incorporating Critical Qualitative Inquiry in Nonprofit Management Education. Administrative Theory & Praxis (Taylor & Francis Ltd), 40(1), 43–59. Cite
Wilkerson, E. A., & Evans, C. A. (2018). A Content Analysis of Mission Statements in Nonprofit Education. The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership; Urbana, 8(1). Cite Download
Doherty, B. (2017). Research in the Social Enterprise Journal- from the margins to the mainstream. Social Enterprise Journal, 00–00. Cite Download
Evans, C., & Kinoti, M. D. (2017). Are We There Yet? Evaluating Nonprofit Management as a Profession for Program Accreditation. The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership; Urbana, 7(1). Cite Download
Gassman, J., & Thompson, A. F. (2017). Examining How Accreditation Standards May Drive Quality Improvement and Accountability in Nonprofit Studies Educational Programs. The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership; Urbana, 7(1). Cite Download
Nelson, E. (2017). The Accidental Nonprofiteer: Chance Events and the Selection of a Nonprofit Career. The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership; Urbana, 7(4). Cite Download
Weber, P. C., & Thayer, A. N. (2017). Planting the Seeds of Civil Society: An Assessment of Philanthropy Education in K-12 Schools. The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership; Urbana, 7(3). Cite Download
Farley, K. E. W., Goss, K. A., & Smith, S. R. (2017). Introduction to Advancing Philanthropic Scholarship: The Implications of Transformation. Cite Download
Gerlach, J. D. (2016). Nonprofit Management Education in MPA Programs: Lessons for Successful Track Building. Journal of Political Science Education, 0(0), 1–16. Cite Download
Mack, C. E., Kelly, K. S., & Wilson, C. (2016). Finding an academic home for fundraising: a multidisciplinary study of scholars’ perspectives. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, n/a-n/a. Cite Download
Brown, W. (2016). Teaching Strategic Management to Nonprofit Students. The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership; Urbana, 6(3). Cite Download
Zhang, Z., & Guo, C. (2015). University-Based Nonprofit Education in China: An Overview and Assessment. The Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership, 5(4), n/a. Cite Download
Saidel, J. R., & Smith, S. R. (2015). Nonprofit Management Education in Schools with Public Affairs Curricula: An Analysis of the Trend Toward Curriculum Integration. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 21(3), 337–348. Cite Download
Mirabella, R. M. (2014, December 15). Nonprofit Management Education: Current Offerings in University-Based Programs. Cite
Hatcher, J. A., & Studer, M. L. (2014). Service Learning and Philanthropy: Implications for Course Design. Theory Into Practice, 0(ja), 0–0. Cite
Jackson, S. K., Guerrero, S., & Appe, S. (2014). The State of Nonprofit and Philanthropic Studies Doctoral Education. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43(5), 795–811. Cite Download
Shier, M. L., & Handy, F. (2014). Research Trends in Nonprofit Graduate Studies A Growing Interdisciplinary Field. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43(5), 812–831. Cite Download
Campbell, D. (2014). Practicing Philanthropy in American Higher Education: Cultivating Engaged Citizens and Nonprofit Sector Professionals. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 20(2), 217–231. Cite Download
Baggetta, M., & Brass, J. N. (2014). Context-Based Instruction: What Traditional Social Science Disciplines Offer to Nonprofit Management Education. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 579–596. Cite Download
Doyle, G. (2013). The Four C’s (Curriculum Guidelines, Courses, Competencies and Capacities) to Educating and Training Nonprofit Leaders (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. ID 2494952). Social Science Research Network. Cite Download
Murdock, A., Tekula, R., & Parra, C. (2013). Responding to Challenge: Comparing Nonprofit Programmes and Pedagogy at Universities in the United Kingdom, Spain and the United States. NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy, 6(2). Cite Download
Appe, S., & Barragán, D. (2013). Strategies Outside the Formal Classroom: Nonprofit Management Education in Transparency and Accountability. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 19(4), 591–614. Cite Download
Harwell Schaffer, R. (2012). Nonprofit and university strategic partnerships to strengthen the sector. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 105–119. Cite Download
Hvenmark, J., & Segnestam Larsson, O. (2012). International mappings of nonprofit management education: An analytical framework and the case of Sweden. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 59–75. Cite Download
Mirabella, R., & Young, D. R. (2012). The development of education for social entrepreneurship and nonprofit management: Diverging or converging paths? Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 43–57. Cite Download
Wang, L., & Ashcraft, R. F. (2012). Needs assessment and curriculum mapping: Enhancing management skills of the nonprofit workforce. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 121–136. Cite Download
Patrick Murphy, J., & Meyer, V. (2012). Going global: Strategies for study abroad at the School of Public Service, DePaul University, Chicago. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 137–151. Cite Download
Clifford, D., & Petrescu, C. (2012). The keys to university–community engagement sustainability. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 77–91. Cite Download
Rathgeb Smith, S. (2012). Changing government policy and its implications for nonprofit management education. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 29–41. Cite Download
Ebrahim, A. (2012). Enacting our field. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 13–28. Cite Download
Neuhauser, D. (2012). Editor’s notes. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 1–3. Cite Download
Ashcraft, R. F., & Stone, M. M. (2012). Introduction. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 5–11. Cite Download
Donmoyer, R., Libby, P., McDonald, M., & Deitrick, L. (2012). Bridging the theory–practice gap in a nonprofit and philanthropic studies master’s degree program. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(1), 93–104. Cite Download
Kickul, J., Janssen-Selvadurai, C., & Griffiths, M. D. (2012). A Blended Value Framework for Educating the Next Cadre of Social Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11(3), 479–493. Cite
Kickul, J., Terjesen, S., Bacq, S., & Griffiths, M. (2012). Social Business Education: An Interview With Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11(3), 453–462. Cite
Howorth, C., Smith, S. M., & Parkinson, C. (2012). Social Learning and Social Entrepreneurship Education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11(3), 371–389. Cite

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