[11/2] UT Civic Data Hackathon


We will solve real-world civic issues by analyzing open government data and building computer programs or models. You can assemble a team with students from or outside of the class. Your team can choose from the following problems:

Eligibility and requirements:

  • Course students are required.
  • All current UT Austin full time graduate (9 credit hours) or undergraduate (12 credit hours) students are eligible, but need to apply. The selection process is competitive.
  • Need to work as a team with 2-4 people.


  • First Prize Group: $500
  • Second Prize Group: $300
  • Third Prize Group: $100

Depending on the University’s operating procedures, final rewards may be distributed as cash or credits for student loan or course.

Timeline (tentative)

  • October 1st – 14th: Outreach, receiving applications.
  • October 15th – 31st: Team preparation and working with domain experts.
  • November 2nd: Hackathon day.
    • 10am-12pm: Team work and feedback from domain experts.
    • 12pm-1:30pm: Break.
    • 1:30pm-4pm: Finalize work and presentation.
    • 4pm-5:30pm: Team presentations.
    • 5:30pm-6pm: Announcing awards.

Evaluation criteria

  • Outstanding deliverables.
  • Efficient team work.
  • Well-organized presentation.
  • Evidence of learning while completing the task.

Assessment team

  • Bixler, Patrick, PhD, Assistant Professor of Practice at the RGK Center and LBJ School of Public Affairs.
  • Ma, Ji, PhD, Assistant Professor at the RGK Center and LBJ School of Public Affairs.
  • Rudow, Josh, PhD, Senior Planner, City of Austin.
  • Taylor, Reyda, PhD, Senior Consultant, Data & Evaluation, Mission Capital.

The final project is supported by UT Austin Graduate School’s Academic Enrichment Fund and RGK Center Special Funds for Data Science Speaker Series at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. Co-sponsors also include UT Library Research Data Services and Mission Capital.

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